Friday, March 3, 2017

Experimenting with different routines. . .basically Watercolor

 I used watercolor for the picture then added a large stamp with writing on it . . .experimenting with different kinds of techniques. . . finding out what I can do.  Thank you Eva and Kristin for Paint Party Friday with fun and adventurous artists. Thank you for the comments and help. I appreciate and value your opinions.

 Huge tree in the backyard that has bloomed for awhile.
 Different sorts of Clouds around.
 . . .and the mouse ran up the tree. . . .
 But fell down. . .now they both are very still. . .
as Gracie lays in wait.
Forget failure, remembering only the lessons learned, be thankful for them, and strain forward.


  1. really nice watercolor scene and the writing on the left really adds interest. You capture nature in your photos so beautifully! Happy PPF!

  2. Great red house, Janet. And I think the background stamp with red writing works well with the house. Have a great weekend. (And Grace is beautiful!)

  3. Lovely photography and experimental art ~ thanks,

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  4. I really like that you put the bird on top of the barn. Lovely photos too.

  5. Wonderful touch with the stamping and some lovely photos, too!!!
    Happy PPF!!!
