Welcome, please make your self at home and let me know if there is something you would like to know that I haven't thought of.
I have just begun making Art Dolls and the picture you see is my first experience. I had an Internet business for the past 6 years and closed it December 2006. My daughter and I offered jewelry, note cards, art (canvas and glass), and bead dolls. I still enjoy making the
bead dolls. This has also inspired me to create
ACEO cards with stories. I have a thread going about bulldogs meeting and dating. You can also see
all of my work.
My wild Art Doll is cloth and learning to sculpt and make up her face has been the most difficult. She has been warmly received everywhere she has gone.
I have written for an ezine which is no longer available. I enjoyed the feedback from those articles. I have written a children's picture book and a political intrigue young adult novel.
As a genealogist I am interested in Crazy quilting with pictures of the past. I will be learning about this new craft.
I just joined a local quilt club. We are going on a bus trip to a quilt showing and on the way we will be stopping at antique shops and quilt shops. I look forward to being with people who love the same things I do.
I work full time but not in the art world. Being with like minded people have opened up a whole new world that I look forward to exploring.
Thank you for visiting. I look forward to hearing from you.