Hi, I'm Cupcake, but I'm reserved for someone who thinks I look like her sister!! However, she is also a cupcake lover - Guess What? When she brings cupcakes home, she will never remember where she put them, she'll have to go out and get more, Yummy! What a great home to go to.
Getting cold again in So. FL. Cookie dough is in the refrigerator waiting to be baked. Have a great super bowl (Nascar super bowl is next weekend on Valentines Day)! And don't forget to watch Puppy Bowl today (ET 3 p.m.).
Hi, I'm iScream - well I won't scream as long as I have my ice cream. I love ice cream so much, my cone is almost as big as I am, but it won't take me long to eat it. Have another waiting.
Valentines day sale on Etsy! More Beauty Mark dolls and Faerie sachets.
Blessings, Janet