Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Old Crochet Magazines

While I was looking for the old crochet magazines, I found a picture from my 25th anniversary.  My picture was from my college graduation party (Illinois State University) and it was put together with a picture of  my husband who is since deceased. He had it done by a photography studio (no PC's then - 1985). The reason I wanted to share it with you (yes I look a lot younger) is that it is a different way of using photography that embraces the subjects. 

I know those darn crochet books are around her somewhere but I have looked so many places and cannot find them. I am looking for a vintage crochet doll that would be appliqued not stuffed as my other dolls are.

Let me share what the UPS guy got a standing ovation for.  My fairy fabric.  YAY!    Thank you for reading


  1. Oh that picture of you and your husband is sooooooo wonderful! Such a treasure as is your "art work" ~ Hugs, Carol (artmusedog)

  2. Hi Jan!

    Thanks for sharing the precious image! A reminder to cherish my hubbie and the sweet things he does. Your husband was a have had it created for you...seems like you were always on his mind...

    love it when you stop by...thanks for being my friend!
