Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nascar Day

Today is Nascar Day - The Nascar Foundation- walk for your favorite charity.  The race today is in Dover.
This week May 16-22 is National New Friends and Old Friends Week.  Celebrate and remember your old friends and your new friends.  Write an old fashioned letter. . make your own card. . . send a postcard - make them feel really special - because they are.  Friends are our treasures - remember to treat them that way. How about lunch?
Suzie old doll (1940s far right), saved and reattached arm (1950s far left) and my children's doll (1960s middle) all have become friends. . . And new dolls (2 faery-kissed)

Blessings, Janet

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.  -John D. Rockefeller

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