Friday, December 1, 2017

Scrap (Marker testing) made into ART

The first picture I used different markers to see which one was almost out of ink (to re-order).. .. when I finished I saw a painting waiting to happen. . .Therefore it turned into this weeks ART project.

Thank you Paint Party Friday. . .Kristin and Eva.  It is a learning party for art supplies, videos, and comments which really help me know if I'm going in the right direction. I love the experimentation.
I try to visit as many and all of you that I can because I enjoy, learn and have fun.
New Kittah in town. . .couldn't get to as many this week as I'd like. Always pups, birds, or fish, never Kittahs. Learning experience here. . .Totally!

Some of this week's pictues:
Christmas Wreath and Reindeer door.
Curtain lights stay up all year.
 Barn. . .Trees. . .Picket Fence.
 Horse in Pasture. . .
 . . . .hears me.
 Clouds and Blue Sky.
 Sunday Church Clouds.
 Horse going into trailer.
 Plane, clouds and Blue Sky.
 Fountain and Lamplight.
 New Kittah in Town . . . Adopted.
 Watching out the window. . .
 . . .so many leaves again this week.
As soon as leaf blower came close to window
she was not having any of that. . . GONE!
 Twilight moon. . .clouds and trees.
Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve!  Achieve! ~ Andrew Carnegie


  1. Happy PPF your image emerged quite nicely, luv the birds

    much love...

  2. Lovely photos especially of kittah. She looks so serious. Love how paint marks turned into art. The joy of experimentation!

  3. Very creative of you, Janet! It turned out very nice. Love the kitty photo.

  4. Cute idea for your impromptu drawing! :-) Gorgeous photos as well.

  5. What an adventurer you are! Good job!

  6. Hi Janet. I really like your art today with the mark making and drawing. Also always enjoys your photos of your surroundings with Christmas decor, animal neighbors and Kittah!

  7. What a wonderful idea to transform your test paper into art! It is charming. I also love your photos, the kitty is so sweet.

  8. cool I like your marker art. And your cat has a very clear M in her forehead. :) I was so proud as a kid when I noticed the M on cats heads. My name is Monica :) They carry my sign :)
